Sweet Jesus, that’s an early announcement for something set in the summer!
Well, it is in Philly, so it’s nearby… But how early do you need to get a ticket? Would I even want to go? What’s the point of me going? What’s the parking going to be? What should I prep? Should I book a hotel!? What’s the price of gas in the summer!? Do I need to call off work the day before!? Am I gonna be impulse to buy something!? Do I HAVE to buy something!? How crowded the venue is going to be!? WHY IS IT CALLED “TOO MANY GAMES”!?
ADDENDUM: Seriously, though. Hope you guys have fun! Never been to a con, to be honest, so there’s a lot for me to think about before I follow through such an idea.
I need money for go ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧